Monday, July 18, 2011

Drumming from a different angle.

I was a marcher, a marching drummer... High tension snares, quad and quint toms, multi tone bass drums, flashy cymbals... Those were my stuff.

Kick drums, floor toms, hi-low toms, crash and rides. These are my new stuffs... I'm beginning to respect those set-drummers more now, something I used to NOT do... I used to think it's pretty cheap an instrument... I was so wrong...

I think I'm really falling in love with the drum kit, it's potential, the grooves and moves... I want to really learn it properly, make it my thing.

I was a minimalist, a rhythm rider, striving in moody and minimal music... Now I strive through jazz, blues and lounge...

Yes, jazz and blues use to be the genre I really ignored and disliked... But that was because I knew little of it... Now I'm seeing the extremely wide coverage of the genre in music... I see now I actually like jazz...

So last Friday's performance seminar. I managed to witness really good performances. In particular, I really liked this particular song...
"Painter song"