Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thought of day to day bla blas

Writing this blog now, makes me wonder... I write my blogs, to spill my thoughts and feelings into a page of words...

But satisfaction never came, as thoughts come faster than words. And today, I write, with a heart to say... It's a real day full of bla blas..

Think it as if a Variation of Songs, I can't write my thoughts as straight-forward passage, rather, I tend to make the readers angry over trying to figure out what am I writing...

And to describe the current thought.... It keeps on reoccurring to me. From A girl, I don't know... All of sudden, I keep thinking of her...... And then I suddenly think, my, the excitement of playing in the band... To the fact that I'm actually able to play the piano.... I don't know.. It just keeps on reoccurring.... Thinking.. Thinking...

The Sorrow, Joy, Mystery... of a song, that I hear now, can really affect what I think... I could cry for no reason, only because of beautiful melodies... and revert to think of everyday possibilities... The Apocalypse is coming!!! And I think myself somewhat crazy for being so random....

To understand? Understand the Unknown... What more? I think... Is logic even logic??? And I find out.... All this thoughts... are stupid... stupid, complex... stupid, complex, BRILLIANT!... Stupidity is Complex, The World is Complex... Stupidity=Complications,World=Complication... so that means, World=Stupid???? And I think.... think........ think.......... the brain.... think so many things, what barriers stands against the ability to think....

To pen down all this, is more so a diary to myself, knowing only a hand full of people would be willing read this far before commenting that this blog is utterly useless.... So seems the world, can think. And think in itself a place to think, for as long as sentient beings exist, the thought will go on...


  1. wah.. now so many ppl write blog d..

  2. yea yea yea i wanna sleep. btw come 2 my blog and just click on the ads.. hehe got money 1... its called google adsence.. dun worry no virus, just plain cash for me ^^. TQ !
